fighting terror … a different way
“I realize now how precious life is,” said Anthony Aversano, whose father, Louis, was killed in the World Trade Center. “How I fight the terror in me today is to live my life well.” That quote comes...
View Articlewe must not look the other way
Amnesty International has just filed a report citing the ongoing use of interrogation tactics by the government of the United States that would be labeled “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment” under...
View Articlemore debate over interrogation guidelines
From the Boston Globe, September 18, 2006: In the fight over rules for the interrogation and trials of terrorism suspects, there is a split — not so much between Republicans and Democrats or the White...
View Articledetainee bill passes senate
John Kerry (Democrat): This bill gives an administration that lobbied for torture exactly what it wanted. No, this administration did not lobby for torture. It lobbied for a free and unfettered hand in...
View Articleinexcusable behavior
When will we take responsibility for the horrors perpetrated on our behalf? When will we firmly repudiate the “anything goes when fighting the war on terrorism” mentality? When our leaders leave so...
View Articlesome thoughts on terrorism
Some thoughts provoked by a lecture I heard last Monday evening delivered by Dr. Louise Richardson. Her latest book: What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat Dr. Richardson...
View Articlegeneral petraeus’ letter to the troops
It is good, very good, to hear General Petraeus talk about dignity, respect, and integrity, values, law, and doing what is right. It is good to hear him take an unequivocal stand against torture, both...
View Article“christian hate” should be an oxymoron!
I attach below an excerpt from a forwarded e mail I received the other day … … when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this: I don’t care....
View Articlebecoming our own worst enemy
I was directed by a college classmate to this Ted Koppel editorial. The post title is mine, my summary of Koppel’s argument. We are threatened. We live in a world that is not safe. We do have enemies....
View Articlespeaking truth to terror
“Violence is always the product of a falsification of religion.” – Pope Francis
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